Friday 15 March 2013

ABC untill Z Friends

Hari tu diri sendiri, love now FRIENDS ABC untilll Z .

A- accept you as you
B-  believe in having fun
C-  cherish time together
D-  dreams big dreams
E-   enrich, comfort and delight
F-  follow uh and follow through
G-  grow forever memories
H-  honor each other's feelings
I-  invite you into their heart's
J- just call and say "How are you?"
K- know when somethings up's
L- love you, no matter what
M- multiply joys and divide sorrows
N- nurture each other's souls
O- overcome adversity together
P- pick you up when you are down
Q- quickly forgive and make up
R- remind you or your greatness
S- smile when they think of you
T- thrive on shared trust
U- understand when to 'just' listen
V- value time together
W- walk with you, side by side
X- xperience ups and downs
Y- yearn to stay connected
Z- zest to live, love and laugh
sekian PEMBELAJARAN kita (":

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